Color: {{ itemTitle[2] }}
{% endif %} {% for option in item.options_with_values %} {% unless == "Title" %}{{ }}: {{ option.value }}
{% endunless %} {% endfor %}{{price | money }} {% assign discount_amount = price | divided_by: original | times: -100 | plus: 100 | round %} {% assign discount_threshold = 10 %} {% if cart_tire == "true" %} {% if discount_amount != empty %} {% if price != original %} {{ original |money }} -{{ discount_amount }} % {% endif %}{% endif %} {% endif %}
Votre panier est vide
{{ offer.prompt | newline_to_br }}
{% endif %}{{ offer.prompt | newline_to_br }}
{% endif %} {% for product in offer.products %} {% assign productIndex = forloop.index0 %} {% if product.in_cart %}{% continue %}{% endif %} {% unless offer.product_selection == 'all' %} {% if offer.products.size == 1 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %}Vous êtes actuellement en mode invité·e. Connectez-vous ou sauvegardez votre wishlist en renseignant votre adresse e-mail.
Se connecter Continuer en mode invité·e{{variant.price | money}} {% if variant.price != variant.compare_at_price and variant.compare_at_price > 0 %}{{variant.compare_at_price | money}}-{{ discount_amount }}%{% endif %}
{% else %}{{variant.price | money}} {% if variant.price != variant.compare_at_price and variant.compare_at_price > 0 %}{{variant.compare_at_price | money}}{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}